For those of you who know my mom pretty well, you might recognize this smile! Somehow, we can't always make both sides of our face pull up at the same time.
okay, dood, this is pretty serious
Monday, July 26, 2010
Check it out! I graduated to forward facing in my Baby Bjorn. Now, if I can just get some more practice chewing, I'll be out of this thing in a flash!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I finally figured out how to grab onto and suck Sophie the giraffe! She is soooo tasty and I love slobbering all over her head.
It was super hot these past few days but daddy took me in the pool every evening and we had loads of fun. I might look kinda scared, but I had a great time!
Mom and dad took me to the store to buy an awesome kiddie pool for my 3-month birthday. When they first filled it up, it was waaaayyyy to cold and I got really mad when they dunked me in it. But afterwards I was really smiley and I laughed my first belly laugh while lounging on a towel in the yard.
Mom and dad took me to Madison's annual Art Fair on the Square but I slept through the whole thing because it was HOT and CROWDED. Mostly I was in dad's Baby Bjorn, but they did take me out for lunch while sitting on the capitol lawn. It was nice, but I was just too sleepy to appreciate it all.
Mommy took me to the Marine Microbes Gordon Research Conference in Tilton NH. It would have been awesome except they had a HEAT WAVE and it was 90 F in our dorm room at night. I was super crabby until mom put me in the sink with some cool water. A really fun girl named Regina went with us as our nanny. I had a lot of fun playing with her while mom was at the sessions. We also went in the pool, but I wouldn't let mom post any pictures of that because I was wearing a regular diaper instead of a swim diaper and it swelled up something ridiculous!! All in all, it was a great time. I know all about Prochlorococcus and Roseobacter now!!